How intriguing that both PowKiddy and Anbernic have decided to release new, low power handhelds whilst simultaneously teasing us with way more powerful devices. And how coincidental that they’ve both opted for the nostalgia aesthetic, sporting the Maroon and Gold of the Famicom controller. Behold, the PowKiddy Q20 Mini.
AllWinner F1C100S
New BittBoy With Shoulder Buttons – PocketGo Available Soon!
One of the problems with last year’s BittBoy is that many of the systems it can emulate require use of shoulder buttons, which weren’t implemented on the portrait oriented version from last year.
The PocketGo looks to be the same hardware as the BittBoy (AllWinner F1C100S) but re-jigged in to landscape mode to allow for a more versatile layout.
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