If you’re one of the 30 or so people that pre-ordered the Revo K101 and have been waiting patiently for the last few months, you can let out that sigh of relief now. The guys at K1GBASP now have 80 units in stock, and they’ll be testing and packaging up everybody’s handhelds this weekend for posting out on Monday. It also looks like the official Revo site has gone live. If you head on over to revok101.com you’ll find a link to the retail store as well and some tabs for distribution enquiries and support. I would assume that once the site is finished it’ll be the place to go for new firmwares and other bits and pieces. They’ll probably do something about that ‘products’ tab in due course as well…
Below is my last round of pics, shamelessly pilfered from the Baidu forums. I’m not a fan of white handhelds in general but there’s no denying that this thing looks very smart. If you’re on the fence about ordering, maybe these will sway you.
I got mine a few days ago aswell, and I must say that I’m greatly disappointed. the D-pad is horrid, and the button mapping turned out to be extremely bad as it was earlier brought out.
it really really really should have the Y = B, B = A mapping, but no…
at the moment I’m regretting that I ever bought this thing, especially with all the hype witch revolved around this piece. I feel like somebody blew up my balloon big time.
The d-pad is unusual, but I find it perfectly comfortable and reponsive. The button mapping is fine for me, I can use AB without even engaging my brain. It would be nice to do away with XY as they’re pretty much useless, but who cares?
My full review will come in a few days time, but for now I’m pretty pleased with it. Definitely it has flaws, but I can see myself reaching for this over an AGS-101 in future when I want to play some GBA games.
I got one of these in the post yesterday. The main issue I have is that the screen is woefully under protected and mine has a stuck pixel on it. I am scared of damaging the screen even during wiping the dust off it. Visuals and sound are good on first impression. I’ll have to give it more time to really get a real an idea of what it’s like (buttons, d-pad k-card functionality etc.). In terms of accessories the earphones and tv leads are shocking bad quality. The case on the other hand is surprisingly really good!
Thanks for the rundown. I can’t believe they left the LCD unprotected… that’s absolutely mental. I’m going to try and find a way to protect it when mine arrives… a thin piece of perspex between the LCD and the case maybe.
After emailing them, it is confirmed to be that crazy resolution. Makes no sense since it’s 4:3 screen so it can’t make use of native x 3 = 480p resolution unless people don’t mind 3:2 games squished to 4:3.
Sorry to be negative, but what a waste. I can’t believe it’s that hard to get a 720×480 screen for this updated GBA. Maybe third times a charm?