Although this review may come a little late for some, it’s been difficult to judge when the best time for it would be. On the one hand earlier is better, it gives you time to make an informed decision before gadget lust sets in and you transfer your Paypal balance half way across the world. On the other hand, with devices like these where the firmware is constantly improving it’s wise to wait a while for some early issues to be ironed out.
This review has been kindly put together and narrated by my brother and it demonstrates the NCCE v1 ROM. This ROM fixes a lot of the problems apparent in the JXD firmware, but does still have a way to go. Since uploading the video Skelton has released his XSample ROM, and Damedus and Vektor are about to release a new version of NCCE with mapping support for the right analog stick. We’ll make an update video in a couple of weeks just to show what’s improved, but for the time being if you’re looking for a pretty in-depth and unbiased review of the device you can check it out below.
Link to Damedus and Vektor’s NCCE v1 ROM (first post will probably be updated when their new ROM is available)
Link to Skelton’s XSamples ROM
Link to buy a JXD S7300 from Willgoo
P.S. Apologies for the darkness of the video, the next will be shot in daylight!
Aparently, the controls seem very good to handle, except the cross directional button. Reminds me of nintendo’s pads, which were terrible to make diagonals with the fingers. Does it happen with this console as well? Xbox’s and ps2/3 directional controls are very comfortable to make diagonals, I don’t get it why they copy the not so good buttons of nintendo’s handhelds.
Great review! Subscribed!
I noticed that skipping back type effect with the right stick in FPS games too.
Bummer about the digital and analog sticks being linked.
I wonder if the new JXD handheld will suffer the same fate?
Apparently it won’t. They said they’ve “fixed it” in the new machine. Still, now that the right stick is mappable the linking of the left analog and dpad isn’t such a big deal.