The GPD Win 2 hit a whole bunch of Chinese stores today, available for pre-order only. By far the cheapest, as usual, is Fasttech who are taking pre-orders at $753 using coupon code “MAP”. The IndieGoGo site implies that shipping will be at some point in May, but we all know how these things go so it could be earlier (some sites say April) and it will likely be later for non IndieGoGO backers.
The GPD Win 2 promises the ability to run Triple A PC titles on a chunky clamshell handheld, complete with keyboard and full gaming controls.
Buyer beware, the original GPD Win did have a few teething problems in its early days. Whilst GPD claim to have learned many lessons regarding case design and cooling – it will remain to be seen if we have a re-run of the the rocky launch that the original Win had in 2016.
If you’re feeling brave and want to pre-order, there are an additional 200 units released on IndieGoGo at $700 today. However, if I were ordering one of these I would probably get it through Fasttech, as in my experience they have an excellent track record should you run in to any problems. The choice is yours!
it’s a win win situation , LOL
Just can’t agree. If it were and 8″ device and had better specs it would be worth $650 tops. But this at $750? Nope. GPD, the best thing you ever made, IMHO, was the G7. Make one of those with a slide up screen hiding a qwerty keyboard underneath with modern specs and Android 7.1.2 and you’ve got a winner. But this Win2? Too little for too much.