In the baffling world of Chinese firm Dingoo Digital (or is that Dingoo Technologies? Does anyone care anymore?) nothing is black and white. It seems that both mobs are quite happy firing accusations at one another for breach of copyright and theft of source code at the moment (If you want to trawl the long and confusing drama that is “Who is the real Dingoo team?” then you could start here but I wouldn’t advise it).
What is certain (or as close as you’re going to get) is that the company behind the manufacture of the Dingoo A320 was Gemei, a reputable Chinese electronics company.
18 or so months after the Dingoo A320 landed, and after a lot of leaked photographs, wild speculation, a fake successor and a whole load of hullabaloo over at the dingoonity forums, it finally seems that the real successor is about to land – and this time it comes with some official pics.
Over at the dingoonity forums, one of the staff members from Chinavasion posted to say that they would be taking stock of the new machine “soon”.