7 months ago a thread on reddit started by the “creator” of the RetroMini promised us a follow up device with improvements in almost every area.
read postThe RetroMini 2 aka RetroMax – Don’t get too excited
7 months ago a thread on reddit started by the “creator” of the RetroMini promised us a follow up device with improvements in almost every area.
read postThe RetroMini 2 aka RetroMax – Don’t get too excited
The BittBoy manufacturer was kind enough to ask if I’d like a Bittboy free for review, and not being one to look a gift horse in the mouth I of course graciously accepted. Now I know that there are swarms of these little NES machines all over the internet, and if they’d been offering something …
July 15th 2013 marks 30 years since Nintendo released its second (or 6th, depending how you look at it) home console system, the Famicom. Without it, or perhaps more accurately, without its western world sibling – The NES – gaming today could well have ended up looking quite different. Instead of reeling off facts and interesting …
read post30 Years Of The Famicom, And A Crappy Handheld Clone For £15
You’ve probably seen consoles similar to this before, in fact I remember reading about the Retron 3 a few years ago but I never really paid it much attention. This one seems to have grabbed the attention of a few tech sites though, mostly due to its insane console compatibility I assume. The idea is …