The Tieba Baidu forums have come alive with talk of a new machine from a new China manufacturer this week.
read postNew Open Source ‘LDK’ Handheld Appears From Xiaolong Wang (Now Available For $59.99)
The Tieba Baidu forums have come alive with talk of a new machine from a new China manufacturer this week.
read postNew Open Source ‘LDK’ Handheld Appears From Xiaolong Wang (Now Available For $59.99)
HardKernel is a South Korean hardware manufacturer founded in around 2008. Although best known for their RPi style Single Board Computers, one of their first devices was an Android handheld bearing a passing resemblance to the Bandai Wonderswan. To the best of my knowledge we haven’t seen another handheld from them until now. To mark …
read postThe Odroid-Go Is HardKernel’s 10th Anniversary Handheld Game Kit
A minor miracle has occurred over the past few weeks, the “bastardised k101” from my previous post has been given the OpenDingux treatment thanks to a talented fellow on the Dingoonity boards named Steward. The Chinese developer has just released version 1 of the OpenDingux image, which you can now download and flash directly on …
The BittBoy manufacturer was kind enough to ask if I’d like a Bittboy free for review, and not being one to look a gift horse in the mouth I of course graciously accepted. Now I know that there are swarms of these little NES machines all over the internet, and if they’d been offering something …
Little handhelds like this are a dime a dozen, but it’s not often they look quite as adorable as this thing. The BittBoy is obviously a homage to the original Nintendo Game Boy in design, but instead of taking carts it comes pre-loaded with 300 NES/Famicom Games to work your way through. It contains a 500mAh …
Pretty much right on schedule, GPD have begun shipping their Windows 10 handhelds out. In true crowd funding style, many backers are still waiting for theirs to ship whilst others have simply bought one from a store and received it already. I feel your pain (I pre-ordered a Pandora back in 2008). Videos began cropping …
Last year this SteamOS powered handheld arrived on Kickstarter with a $900k goal and no working prototype. Unsurprisingly things didn’t go as planned and the campaign was pulled before the end. The team vowed that they would return after sourcing the majority of funds from private investors instead. Things went relatively quiet for a while, until …
Yep, it’s happening. The Dragonbox Pyra has reached the next level and is now available to pre-order. Down payments are being taken at ED’s shop, with remainders to be paid when the unit is available to ship. The final pricing looks like this, with 330 EUR and 400 EUR being taken as down payments for …
This unusual looking handheld is currently live on Indiegogo, looking to raise $400,000 to fund the mass production. Looking at the renders it’s an onorthodox design, having gone for a smaller 3.5″ screen and a portrait style layout. Although the console runs on Android, a custom developed UI sits on top and unlike other similar …
iPega are better known for simple gadgets, bluetooth speakers, waterproof phone cases and just recently a bluetooth controller for smartphones. But it looks as though they’ve got bigger fish to fry these days, having recently shown off a prototype handheld at HKTDC. There’s not a lot to report as yet, no mention of it on their website, and only a brief mention of a Quad Core SoC – but if you fancy it, have a gander at the pics and video below.