7 months ago a thread on reddit started by the “creator” of the RetroMini promised us a follow up device with improvements in almost every area.
read postThe RetroMini 2 aka RetroMax – Don’t get too excited
7 months ago a thread on reddit started by the “creator” of the RetroMini promised us a follow up device with improvements in almost every area.
read postThe RetroMini 2 aka RetroMax – Don’t get too excited
The Tieba Baidu forums have come alive with talk of a new machine from a new China manufacturer this week.
read postNew Open Source ‘LDK’ Handheld Appears From Xiaolong Wang (Now Available For $59.99)
A minor miracle has occurred over the past few weeks, the “bastardised k101” from my previous post has been given the OpenDingux treatment thanks to a talented fellow on the Dingoonity boards named Steward. The Chinese developer has just released version 1 of the OpenDingux image, which you can now download and flash directly on …
The original K1 hardware is apparently out of production now, though there are rumours on Baidu of a re-release with some changes to the original design. So it was with a mix of excitement and curiousity that I clicked the listing on Fasttech (update Feb 2019 – the listing has changed to that of a …
The BittBoy manufacturer was kind enough to ask if I’d like a Bittboy free for review, and not being one to look a gift horse in the mouth I of course graciously accepted. Now I know that there are swarms of these little NES machines all over the internet, and if they’d been offering something …
is not very favourable… Harsh but fair, I’m sure you’ll agree.