The original ZPG was a DIY handheld that used the guts of a cell phone for its mainboard. It was mostly the work of Lao Zhang, he made use of Vita controls and the motherboard of a Sony Xperia Z1 Compact to create the device. The ZPG was released in very small batches to the Chinese market, and was almost impossible for Westerners to buy.
It’s always been rumoured that the ZPG was leading up to something else, and that rumour has just been substantiated. Over on the Chinese forums God of light and darkness (cool name) is posting short teaser videos pertaining to a ZPG Pro.
There have been a couple of these short videos released so far, and that implies there is a reason to hype it up. If the ZPG Pro was only going to be available in miniscule batches again, would there be a need to invest time and effort promoting it? After all the original ZPG batches sold out in seconds, without any fanfare required. Alongside that fact, this quote states the ZPG Pro will be going in to mass production.
God of light and darkness posted the video and is a reliable source of information on these forums, so let’s assume he’s right.
Another user claims he has information from the maker regarding different versions of the ZPG.
Something worth bearing in mind is that there have been perpetual rumours of more OGA clones coming up. It certainly makes me wonder if either the ZPG Pro, ZPG Mini or ZPG Max could be one of them. Whatever the hardware, it’s safe to assume that any mass produced units won’t be made using gutted cell phones.
If I had to guess, I would say that these devices are going to run on RockChip. It’s possible that a custom Snapdragon board has been designed for one of the versions, but historically unlikely. Things are moving fast in 2020 though, so anything is possible. I’ll update this post with more news as it surfaces.
Update 23/6/2020
In the last couple of days, some shots of a prototype ZPG Pro have appeared on baidu. It is also now pretty much confirmed that the ZPG Pro will be another OGA clone.
These shells are likely to be 3D printed, so we’re still a little way off seeing a general release.
Update 10/07/2020
Here’s the button layout for the ZPG Pro. As you can see, it’s been designed so that it has enough buttons to match the Odroid-Go Advance, with F1-F6 represented. This should alleviate the mapping issues present on the RK2020.
Update 27/07/2020
Could this be the ZPG Pro? The layout certainly marries up with the diagram and 3D prints from earlier this month. Looks promising!
Update 16/9/2020
The blue and yellow plastic versions, as well as the metal shell version are all available to order now at and AliExpress. Be sure to use coupon code OBSCURE for a few dollars off the price at
Bonjour avez vous un nouveau firmware pour la zpg pro svp merci
There seems to be a flurry of Chinese handhelds on the market. Has the barrier to entry in entering the handheld market gone down? What sort of production costs are involved in sourcing components / designing / manufacturing etc these kind of devices?
Apparantly, the HDMI out and Wifi doesnt work on the ZPG Pro. I was one of the (unlucky) few to preorder one prior to seeing the review. I will find out for myslef some time in September.
Found this on a reddit:
That’s a different device, probably will be very hard to get for non Chinese folk. We’ll see in due course I guess.
Where can I find constant and latest updates on ZPG Pro?
Here. I’ll be updating this post as news comes in.
Hopefully upcoming iterations include a second analog stick. I know a lot of people think they’re unnecessary, but if a mass produced version of this is even close to as powerful as the Xperia based ones, there’s plenty of games that can take advantage of it.
Ugh. Very disappointing. Just another OGA clone. This could have been something special.
The original zpg is available to buy if you search hard enough or have pockets deep enough.
So it is. Are these made to order now then?
I assume so, parts to build them are more freely available in china and Shenzhen but damn it’s still expensive.
However it would be a dream machine to play citra android on.