Hot on the heels of the ZPG Pro announcement, here comes news of another machine due soon. The RG351P is another handheld based on the OGA hardware, and using a similar shell as the RG350.
OGA Clone
The ZPG Pro Rumours and Release Date
The original ZPG was a DIY handheld that used the guts of a cell phone for its mainboard. It was mostly the work of Lao Zhang, he made use of Vita controls and the motherboard of a Sony Xperia Z1 Compact to create the device. The ZPG was released in very small batches to the Chinese market, and was almost impossible for Westerners to buy.
It’s always been rumoured that the ZPG was leading up to something else, and that rumour has just been substantiated. Over on the Chinese forums God of light and darkness (cool name) is posting short teaser videos pertaining to a ZPG Pro.
The PowKiddy RGB10 Is Another OGA Clone
They’re coming thick and fast now! PowKiddy are the latest brand to hop on the hype train with their re-imagining of HardKernel’s Odroid-Go Advance. The new PowKiddy RGB10 is yet another OGA clone just released. It bears a striking resemblance to the Q90 released earlier this year, but of course this time it’ll be powered by RockChip’s RK3326.
The RK2020 Review
It’s difficult to know where to begin the RK2020 review. The moral high ground regarding cloned hardware is probably not it. It’d be easy to dismiss the RK2020 as a lazy copycat device, attempting to cash in on the good work of HardKernel. Whilst it’s true that the RK2020 wouldn’t exist without the OGA, this hobby usually treads a legal grey area one way or another. There is no proprietary hardware inside the Odroid-Go Advance, so whilst it might be cheeky to build 100% compatible hardware, given the success of the OGA it’s hardly a surprise to see.
The RK2020 Is The First Odroid-Go Advance Clone
We all knew it would happen eventually. Chinese manufacturers have seen the success of the Odroid-Go Advance and decided to get in on the action. There are probably more of these to come in future, but the RK2020 is the first Odroid-Go Advance clone to hit the market.