Out of sheer boredom I decided to hunt around the Baidu forum and round up as many images as I could of the new K101 prototypes. I’m afraid I can’t really share much else to put these in context (cos I can’t read Chinese and Google Translate is terrible), apart from the dates that they were posted up. It looks like it’s probably in the final stages of development anyway. Take a look.
Edit: It might help if I explained what the K101 was (doh). It’s the K1 hardware inside a different shell, MaxZhou88 is the man behind the product and this one will have real RTC built in. Other differences to the original K1 seem to be a MiniUSB port (for charging, I guess) and a normal 3.5mm AV Out port.
From the 26th of April, a white unit with black shoulder buttons struts its stuff. Very smart indeed.

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