Yep you read it right, today my GCW Zero SE arrived. I could scarcely believe my eyes when my brother emailed to say I’d received a parcel from America, but it’s here. Believe it.
GCW Want To Manufacture 3000 More Zeros, But They Need Your Help To Do It
The first GCW Zeros are trickling out to patient and excited customers as we speak. In order to manufacture another 3000 units and satisfy the demand, Justin and his crew are asking for $130,000 dollars via their newly launched Kickstarter campaign. The GCW Zero is the spiritual successor to the infamous Dingoo A320 and promises …
read postGCW Want To Manufacture 3000 More Zeros, But They Need Your Help To Do It
OpenDingux Released For The Dingoo A320.
Bit late to the party here since the release became available on the 5th of September. Better late than never I suppose. The long awaited OpenDingux has finally reached a stage that the developers deem stable enough for use by the general public. Dingoonity forum members Ayla and mth (Paul Cercueil and Maarten ter Huurne) …
Is DDU’s New Handheld Called The MU?
Over on the Dingoonity forums, 1wiierdguy posted a 1 month old video from youtube that until now seems to have been overlooked. It shows off a prototype handheld called the MU due to be released in the near future. The technical specs are, as usual, not mentioned but people are speculating that this could be …
Booboo Update on Dingux for Gemei A330
I have to admit my heart skipped a beat when I saw the new post on, but alas my joy was short lived. It seems that despite the initial enthusiasm from ChinaChip, their priorities now lie elsewhere (probably working on the next piece of buggy firmware for another PMP / Tablet or whatever). Whilst …
DDU’s Console Prototype Gets A CPU Upgrade.
In case you missed it, check here for a run down of what this machine is all about. The shorthand version is that DDU from the Dingoonity forums stumbled accross a Chinese firm working on their own Ingenic handheld, and now they are working together, with input from the Dingoonity community to create a machine …
Dingoo A380 On Sale Already?
The new Dingoo Technology handheld, the A380 appears to have shown up at the Chinese webshop for the price of $109.99. The machine is said to run the dual core Ingenic JZ4755 CPU running at 500MHz. This should mean that we have some level of compatibility with the A320 including the use of Dingux, …